Tuesday 8 January 2013

Amalfi coast transportation

Now the dilemma (Venice punya transportation toksah cerita)

Napoli airport to train station sorted out where we can leave our luggage.

Now from train station to city centre. Then to Salerno do we take the ferry to Sorrento then naik bus.
Or train straight to Salerno then next day baru naik bus. Bila nya nak naik ferry>
Im so kelam kabut and disorganized. eff la! cakap like kap lam oredi..
Owhhhh, Napoli to Salerno by train cause of the luggage. OKKK

Day 1 in Napoli/Salerno: as per previous post, it will be about 4 euros from airport to train, them 3 or 4 euros to salerno. okayy

Day 2 in Salerno: Pompeii/Vesuvius No train unless we wanna arrive in Pompei and walk to Pompeii haha single and double i. satu town satu the site
Day 3 in Salerno: Amalfi coast (going out by bus and then come back by ferry)
Day 4 in Salerno/Rome: Train all d way

clips and bits of pieces

From Naples, the ferry takes about 80 minutes and costs 4,54 EUR (less than 5.00 USD). The hydrofoil takes about 40 minutes and costs about 14,00 EUR.
From Sorrento, the ferry takes about 40 minutes and costs 5,68 EUR, while the hydrofoil takes about 20 minutes and costs 8,50 EUR.
There will also be a small fee for each sizeable baggage item brought on board. The baggage fee is paid at the time of ticket purchase, and you will be given a special ticket for each bag.


ergh okill continue soonish



We just finished buying our flight tickets from Venizia Marco Polo to Napoli International.
Flight arrives at 1pm. We cant check in before 4 and from Salerno we will be taking a direct train to Rome. So we have decided that we will be exploring napoli but upon searching things to do in Napoli, its always pizza pizza pizza.. Yes, the birthplace for pizza (Pizzeria Brandi). Other things are pompei, Campania , Vesuvius, ok we will be doing those tomorrow.
Naples or Napoli is the capital for the campania region.

''From the airport you can take a bus for €3 (called Alibus) to Stazione Centrale in Naples (get off here for connections to Salerno via train). 
Leave the bag at train station for 5 euros a bag. http://www.grandistazioni.it/cms/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=ed6d9b9c72efb110VgnVCM1000003f16f90aRCRD
Go around Napoli
From Napoli Central or Piazza Garibalidi you can easily reach Salerno by train. The regional trains ticket to Salerno costs around €3-€4 and it's called U-5 Unico Campania. Other trains are more expensive and cost around 7-10 euros.''

So pizza, the best is said to be Di Matteo but trip advisor's 1st restaurant is for SFOGLIATELLE.. i mean wat?? wikipedia says "'are shell shaped filled pastries native to Italian cuisine. "Sfogliatelle" means "many leaves/layers," the pastry's texture resembling leaves stacked on each other"

Looks like this

ok so dia nk suruh kita makan karipap manis. haha looks like it. sweetend sugar coated currypuff.
Pronouncing it is another story and this blog came up with this : (http://cosibuono.com/2011/11/22/top-10-italian-food-words-how-to-spell-say/) althpugh i barely know the meaning of half the words but trust me ill be able to pronounce better by the end of this blog. a

Top 10 Most Commonly Mispronounced Italian Food Words
1.  Sfogliatelle (sfo-lyi-uh-tel-ay) — You need to pronounce the “ay” at the end of the word.
2.  Bruschetta (brew-sket-uh) — Yes, that’s a hard “ch” and this one is mispronounced often.
3.  Cannoli (kah-nol-ee) — There’s no “g” in this word and the “i” at the end is pronounced “ee.”
4.  Gnocchi (nyo-kee) — The “g” is actually silent here.
5.  Scungilli (skoon-jeel-ee) — Again, pronounce the “ee.”
6.  Manicotti (man-ee-cot-tee) — It’s not “man-i-got.”  I promise.
7.  Sopressata (so-pray-sot-uh) — I know that Tony Soprano didn’t pronounce the “uh” and I liked him, too, but he was wrong.
8.  Espresso (s-press-oh) — There’s no “x” in this word.
9. Tiramisù or Tirami Sù (tee-rah-mee-su) —  Most people pronounce it fine, but they butcher the spelling.  You get a small reprieve with this word, though, because Italians can’t agree on how to spell it either.
10. Ricotta (ree-coat-uh) —  It’s not pronounced  “ree-got.”  Uncle Vinny was also wrong.
and so the best place to have this sfolyiuhtellay is at Antico Forno delle Sfogliatelle Calde Fratelli Attanasi
Vico Ferrovia 1/2/3/4, 80142 Naples, Italy according to Trip advisor no 1 restaurant ! bravoo

No 2: 
Pizzeria da Gaetano

Via Casanova, 109
80139 NaplesItaly

and pizza come no 2 in the birthplace for pizza? haha okay but not without some fierce competitors

No 3 : 
Gay Odin

Via Vetriera, 12
is a dessert shop! hahaha a chocolate haven it is to be said. well hello and see u then :)
No 4: 
Trattoria e Pizzeria Antica Capri

Via Speranzella 110
80132 NaplesItaly
If any of the pizza and pastas look as they are in the pictures, ill salivate to death.

This place : http://www.parlafood.com/pizzeria-di-matteo-naples/ on Via dei Tribunali 
has gotten rave reviews from most blogs and éxperts'so since we have four hrs to kill, why not stuff 6 restaurants? 

ok more pizza reviews for later reading:

and some of the other things to do in naples:
we believe that by finding the top 5 restaurantss, we will be able to see napoli. Great kan?

Tuesday 25 December 2012


1st stop venice

Arriving at the Marco Polo Airport (http://europeforvisitors.com/venice/articles/marco_polo_airport.htm)

picture from http://www.veniceonline.it/Maps/Maps.asp

From the airport there is actally a canal straight to town. But we will take a bus to Mira

Venice is comprised of 118 small islands so help me god.
To travel Venice within a budget, staying outside is definitely a must. Unless you are willing to stay in a co-ed dorm with shared bathroom, please feel welcome to surf hostelworld.com hostels.com hostelworld.com and you will find one or two in town for about 16euros/night


Upon travelling in Italy, one might find that they recommend staying in hostels/couch surfing/farmhouses or even the convent..yes you can stay at these places for a really good price. or not. Let me know

We will be staying at a quaint sunny apartment in Mira ( distance taktau but it is 6 euros bus fare return to venice town)
Thank you www.airbnb.com


looks good for less than 20 euros per night and is a 7 euro bus trip from the airport
Amenities: WIFI kitchen washer dryer and we each get our own bed hehe

Our accommodation set. Next is cost for food/sight seeing/transportation. What can we do in Venice for free or as little cost

Things to do :
1. Ride a gondola. Wahh so grand. Too bad. Cheaper option is the vapporetti.. Its like a bus on water, nobody to row the boat and sing for you but it goes through the same route as the gondola which costs anywhere up to 70 euros per person (so i heard) while Vaporetti vaporetto is at 6.50 euros per hour ..i think

gondola /vapporetti/ traghetto difference

2. Rialto market
rates at no 7 on tripadvisor
or all the markets in venice

i lovee markets so im pretty sure we will be visiting them when we get there. Ive heard that rialto is overpriced and such but will make a point of going through for a little while

3. St Marks square.
To go when it is empty

Following this list la http://www.italylogue.com/featured-articles/top-10-things-to-do-in-venice.html
but not all. im not into churches and art.Im sorry italyyyy.. i am so into your food tho haha

ehem ehem


or all of theseeee in 2 days

Sardee in saor. One of our favorite Venetian dishes, this delicious antipasto features sweet-and-sour sardines with onions, pine nuts and raisins. Sounds odd, tastes amazing.
Risi e bisi. A Venetian dish of rice and peas, somewhere between a risotto and a soup. So traditional, it used to be offered to the Doge every St. Mark’s Feast Day.
Pasta e fasioi. In Italian, this would be “pasta e fagioli,” or pasta and beans. But this is the Venetian version… so you just have to order it in Venetian dialect!
Scampi alla veneziana. Venetian shrimp that have been boiled and are served with a simple dressing of olive oil and lemon juice.
One of the best food dishes in Venice
Vermicelli with squid ink, a Venetian specialty
Caparossoi a scota deoLarge, plump clams, cooked with lemon and pepper. They’re so good, people can’t resist reaching for them as soon as they’re on the table, even when they’re hot… hence “a scota deo” – hot fingers!
Risotto or vermicelli al nero di seppia. Risotto or vermicelli (long, thin noodles) with black squid ink, popular in Venice.
Bigoi in salsa. Spaghetti in a sauce of sardines or anchovies.
One food to eat in Venezia
Scampetti con polenta
Scampetti con polenta. Little shrimps with polenta, a dish made out of boiled cornmeal.
Carpaccio. Raw meat, sliced thin, with a sauce made out of mayo, mustard, cream, and tomato. Invented by the famous Harry’s Bar in Venice.
Raw beef or carpaccio, a Venetian food
Carpaccio, one of our favorite Venetian treats
Fegato alla veneziana. Liver cooked with onion.
Bacala mantecato. Cod, crushed with parsley and olive oil.
Fritole venessiane. Fritters, made of everything from cornflour to pumpkin. Popular around Carnevale.
Pincia. A pastry with eggs, sugar and raisins.

form http://www.walksofitaly.com/blog/food-and-wine/food-in-venice-veneto-verona-italy-travel-tips

thank you venice
now lets depart for Napoli

From Malaya to Italia

My mind has an attention span of 2 minutes. This will be a blog dedicated for all my research and notes and reminders for our Italy trip April 2013

Once we get to Italy, we will attempt to travel from Venice-Naples-Amalfi Coast-Rome-Florence-Milan all 1642 km
Wish us luck
With 13 nights and a budget of 1000 euros. Lets see what happens

Accomodation : 20 euros/pax/night
Food : 10 euros/lunch and 15 euros/dinner